Saturday, May 24, 2008

Can I get a napkin please? (Food Court Musical)

Youtube is a fantastic way to share short videos with family and friends.

I laugh harder every time I watch this.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Devi's last day :(

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Devi's last day doubled as International Day at NCR.

XKCD librarian comic

From a great webcomic called XKCD. Click on either the comic or the link to view it full size.


Okay, I suppose that newsreaders are quite practical, but looking at blogpost after blogpost all in the same format makes me nod off.

It's like reading from an ebook, or reading journal articles in a database. When you don't go to the original source, you miss out on the content creator's original design. I like seeing what fonts and type of paper an author or publisher has chosen for a book, I like seeing the layout of a journal or magazine, ads and all, and I also like visiting the actual blog site. Visiting the sites themselves give me a feel about their writers, and makes for a more personal, first-hand experience.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Free music! (aka Pandora)

Tired of forking over hard earned cash for music? Fork no longer. Visit Pandora to create your own personal radio station.

Do you like Bob Dylan? Pandora will stream some Dylan songs for you, along with similar sounding music. Don't know the artist's name? No problem, just type in your favorite song and Pandora will do its best to find similar tunes. Don't like what Pandora picked? Just click on the thumbs down icon ... or click on the thumbs up icon if you thought it was great! Pandora is happy to learn from its successes/failures to create the perfect radio station for you.

Click here to listen to my Dr. John radio station!

This guy loves lamp, too

"This Is The Worst" Face
Originally uploaded by Woodmania

Wrong show, same guy.

Brick Tamland: I love... carpet. [pause]

Brick Tamland: I love... desk.

Ron Burgundy: Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them?

Brick Tamland: I love lamp.

Ron Burgundy: Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?

Brick Tamland: I love lamp. I love lamp.

Obligatory cat post

Days before Hurricane Wilma, a pregnant kitty showed up and demanded food. I complied. After the storm passed, I nervously awaited her return; when she did I promptly made a home for her and her soon-to-be furballs. There were 6 little ones altogether: Star, Snowball, Ruby, Penny, Beau and Molly. Molly didn't quite make it into the picture frame here, but she was the biggest and the fluffiest of them all.

5 kittens
Originally uploaded by nambs

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bl0gging in libr4ri3s

Blogger Greg Schwartz has a nice post about what blogs are, what you can do with them, and why they might be useful to librarians / libraries. Check it out here.

There are plenty of fun blogs written by librarians that are not sponsored by any particular library. Here are a couple of the more interesting ones:

Free Range Librarian


Common AND sense

To view the Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners video, please visit this link.

Most of the advice in this video is common sense, but there's nothing wrong with a little reminder from time to time.