Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What I did for my summer vacation

Oh, oops, wrong title. What I meant was "Why Web 2.0 is important to me". :)

Lots has been written about the benefits of web 2.0, so I'll point to a couple of other peoples' commentaries here.

Web 2.0 has been useful in emergencies, specifically VA Tech shootings and CA wildfires.

It allows us to travel without carrying laptops and other equipment, since most of our data can be stored online.

And finally, here's a good piece concerning the overall significance of Web 2.0. I especially like the author's comment that Web 2.0 is a horrible name for Web 2.0!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Technorati-ing Technorati

I did an experiment to see if Technorati could help me find blog posts about Technorati, and I'd have to say the experiment failed. Since so many blogs have links at the end of each post to "digg this" or "technorati" tag that, the search results in a gazillion hits for the word Technorati (1,102,671 to be exact). It's a challenge to find blog posts that actually discuss Technorati.

Since no one will be able to locate my Technorati blog post, I'll end here.

social boo.kmar.ks

Del.icio.us is a nice tool. I've been using it for a while as a way to access my bookmarks no matter where I am. But until this week I hadn't taken advantage of its social features. It's nice to know that should I ever run out of things to look at on the interwebs, I can use del.icio.us to find more.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hi, technorati. Please come and crawl my blog.

Technorati Profile

Thursday, June 12, 2008